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Introductory Arts Talk for ADFAS Coffs Coast

A special introductory Arts related talk for ADFAS Coffs Coast was presented by Kenneth Park on Monday 21February 2022 at Souhtern ZCross University, Coffs Harbour.

Libby Davis, Chair ADFAS Coffs Coast welcomed Kenneth Park.

The title of the talk was "The Att of Agatha Chrfistie. Kennneth Park explained how Christie travelled far and wide, drawing on travel experiences as settings for her literary works. Christie loved history, art and architecture. She explored ancient sites all over the Middle East and worked with her second husband on his archaeological digs. Many of their discoveries, which Christie photographed for research purposes, are now in the British Museum and museums across the Middle East.
The entertaining talk was full of surprises with informatio
n about Agatha Christie’s remarkable life as well as take everyone present to some of the locations that inspired her work. A light supper was enjoyed after the lecture with new members of ADFAS Coffs Coast meeting each other and exploring a shared interest in arts related topics. The first Arts talk for 2023 will be presentred by Dr Sam Bowker on Monday 6th February at the National Cartoon Gallery and the topic will be "Khayamiya - A history of Egyptian tentmakers.

ADFAS Coffs Coast breaks new ground in the Arts and Culture space in the Coffs Harbour region.

Writer's picture: coffscoast2coffscoast2

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