ADFAS Coffs Coast breaks new ground
for the Association of ADFAS on the NSW Mid-North Coast
On Monday 6 February 2023 the newly formed ADFAS Coffs Coast had a special introductory Arts Talk by an Australian lecturer, Dr Sam Bowker, to launch their program of ten Arts Talks for 2023. The lecturer’s fee was provided by the Association of ADFAS which is appreciated by ADFAS Coffs Coast.
The evening was a very positive event for ADFAS. As at 6 February 2023 ADFAS Coffs Coast had 63 members already registered for the year and had 62 paying guests on 6 February as well as 14 people using complimentary tickets that were provided to members to bring a guest to a lecture. The 6.00pm talk by Dr Sam Bowker about the History of Egyptian Tentmakers was excellent and everyone enjoyed meeting new and old friends during supper after the talk and questions with sandwiches, sushi, wine, and juice provided.
A highlight of the evening was an exhibition of large and small works by the Egyptian tentmakers from 5pm with Sam available to discuss the quilts with our members and guests which included many local quilting devotees.
Dr Sam Bowker has provided an audio recording of the Khayamiya: The History of Egyptian Tentmakers Arts Members and Guests can revisit Sam Bowker’s Arts Talk at their leisure.
ADFAS Coffs Coast have now offered all guests who paid $25 to come to the February Arts Talk a $25 discount for the annual membership fee of $150 for the remaining nine lectures and already several people have taken up this offer. This offer will close on the evening of the 20 March 2023 Arts Talk by Alan Read who will talk about the Sculptures of the Parthenon or How Lord Elgin gained and lost his marbles.
The ADFAS Coffs Coast Steering Committee were thrilled with the response to its marketing program resulting in 139 people attending the first lecture for 2023 and 63 of them already paid up for the ten-lecture program for 2023.
Starting a new ADFAS Society:
The floating of the concept of providing Arts related talks for everyone in the Coffs Harbour region by ADFAS Coffs Coast started with a public information evening at Coffs Harbour Regional Library in February 2022 which was attended by several arts related groups, interested individuals and a strong representation by Coffs Harbour City Council which led to the formation of a Steering Committee in March 2022 and the adoption of ADFAS Coffs Coast as the name of the Society so as to include the wider Mid North Coast region from Woolgoolga in the North, Nambucca and even South West Rocks to the South and to Bellingen in the West. All these outlying areas as well as villages in between are represented already by the growing band of ADFAS Coffs Coast members.
Promoting a new ADFAS Society:
The marketing campaign kicked off in October 2022 with local press, a printed A4 to DL flyer social media, ABC Radio and website activity leading up to what was to be a special introductory lecture by an overseas lecturer, Hilary Kay, in November 2022. Unfortunately, health problems and travel restrictions made Hilary’s presence impossible, but we were able to call on Kenneth Park to introduce the Coffs Harbour region to what ADFAS offers. Kenneth presented a beautifully illustrated, entertaining talk about the Art of Agatha Christie in the main lecture theatre at Southern Cross University Coffs Harbour .
Even at this early stage, ADFAS Coffs Coast had 48 members signed up by 21 November 2022 and an additional 19 guests paying $25 for their tickets. Another set back came when scheduling difficulties and changed arrangements for catering and drinks at Southern cross University made it necessary for ADFAS Coffs Coast to find a new venue.
Venue flexibility:
ADFAS Coffs Coast were initially planning to hold their lectures in the multi-purpose space in the new Yarilla Place Cultural and Civic Centre (which is currently under construction in Coffs Harbour) when it is available. The $81 million development – housing new council offices, a library, museum and the regional art gallery - will hopefully be available in June 2023. (Artist’s impression of Yarilla Place lecture theatre and rooftop area for catering)
Until then ADFAS Coffs Coast will hold its February, March, April, and May lectures , and possibly more, at the National Cartoon Gallery, 1 John Champion Way, Coffs Harbour on City Hill.
The first lecture at the National Cartoon Gallery was quite successful and the venue provided excellent facilities for the lecture and the supper afterwards.
ADFAS Coffs Coast has formed a strong partnership with the National Cartoon Gallery (NCG). Several of the ADFAS Coffs Coast Steering Committee and members are volunteers at the NCG and one Steering Committee member is on the Board of management of the NCG.
As ADFAS Coffs Coast is a registered charity and a not for profit, the NCG does not require a venue hire fee. While ADFAS Coffs Coast does not have to pay venue hire, it recognises the need to work in partnership with the NCG and ADFAS Coffs Coast has provided funds to the NCG to improve access and security. Th NCG has also allowed ADFAS Coffs Coast to provide its own catering and drinks with the NCG licensee employed by ADFAS Coffs Coast to serve the drinks. (National Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour)
ADFAS Coffs Coast Testimonials February 2023
Thank you so much for organizing such an excellent evening! Great speaker, great presentation, well-structured event…and lovely to catch up with new and old friends.
Great achievement. Regards, Leonie and Philip (6 Feb 2023)
Dear Libby & Les and the ADFAS team,
Thank you all for a lovely evening last night. The lecture was fascinating, and being able to physically view the pieces that Sam had brought was a delight. The supper was also lovely.
Thanks to all the team for your hard work.
Thanks again for an entertaining and educational evening.
Regards, Margie Wallin (7 Feb 2023) (New card emailed 7 Feb 2023)
Hi Les, Thanks for responding. I actually signed up yesterday anyway and paid the $150. I met your wife last night at the event. It was a great lecture. Looking forward to the March one. Regards Margaret (7 Feb 2023)